eCommerce Protection with a Cause

Protect Shipments from loss, theft, & damage.
Protect Products via extended warranties.
Protect the Planet and Causes you love!

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ABC News

“Protect is the only app that seamlessly provides multiple protection features into one which speeds up load times and doesn’t negatively impact conversion rates.”
Yahoo Finance

Protect For Shoppers

Protect currently offers Shipping Protection and Product Protection for participating Merchants with more protections to come.

For certain Merchants the protections pack an additional punch where a portion of the proceeds go toward causes that make a difference.

Purchase with Protect and follow your values.

You pick a company and its products for the value it provides you.
Spending your money is like voting for a company.

But there is much more to your story than that.
You care and believe in many things – the things that really matter.

Protect connects your story with Merchants who do more than just sell products.
Merchants who are passionate and fight along your side for the things you both believe in.

Protect For Merchants

Partner with Protect and share your story.

Business is more than just about profits for you. It is a means to achieve something greater. It enables you to do more. The more you grow the more you want to give back to the things that really matter in your life. Protect helps you share that story. Whether you support a cause, are a charity, digital agency, merchant, or SaaS company, find out how Protect can enhance your story and connect it with Customers who align with you.

From eco-friendly packaging, to carbon offset shipping, and many other causes. Tell us your mission and we'll align you with Partners and Customers who want to help.
Register your charity with us to become part of our ecosystem to be matched up with Merchants and Customers who want to help.
Whether you are a marketer or developer, you work with Merchants and Brands who have a story to tell. Connect them with Protect to be part of their success story.
Partner with Protect to enable your customers to join your mission and causes. Give them peace of mind on their orders and enjoy world class software that has protection for your store and customers.
Apps, plugins, software, and SaaS solutions are an integral part of the online eco-system. Play a bigger role in the eco-system of humanity by integrating with Protect. We provide unique integration opportunities to ensure your story is heard.